Another edition of „Warsaw Things” — book of short stories inspired by exhibits from Muzeum of Warsaw collection. Warsaw youth who just passed their matriculation exams have been initially main target group according to the editor.
Instead of „normal” project in which I propably wouldn't match to teenagers' taste I've proposed to invite genuine, gifted illustrator to destroy my preliminary typographic setting of the book. My part was intentionally dull and generic (reminding of a school reading) with plenty of space for illustrator's free interferences.
After that process I've used some of those sketches to create almost 1300 various covers run by an algorithm assembling random compositions. Several examples below.
After that process I've used some of those sketches to create almost 1300 various covers run by an algorithm assembling random compositions. Several examples below.
Editor: Agnieszka Rasmus-Zgorzelska
Design: Me
Design: Me
Ilustrations: Aleksandra Cieślak
InDesign programming: Paweł Żelazniakowicz
InDesign programming: Paweł Żelazniakowicz